BEJAIA - The Minister of Culture and Arts, Soraya Mouloudji, announced on Thursday that her sector will present a file related to the Art of the Algerian Zellij / Zellige for registration on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

According to the Minister, Algeria has "eleven intangible elements on UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage lists and is working to include more such us Zellij, bearing in mind that in March 2023, a file was submitted for the classification of the traditional dress of Eastern Algeria, in addition to the joint Arab file relating to henna, which will be examined in December 2024".
Ms. Mouloudji pointed out that "ten files have been prepared this year for inclusion on UNESCO's World Heritage List over the next few years".
The Minister asserted that her department "aims to mobilize all human, material, scientific and methodological resources to build up a national database encompassing the elements of intangible cultural heritage, through documentation, recording on different media and distribution throughout the national territory, in coordination with the institutions under its supervision, namely the Culture department, the national museums, and various research centers, and in partnership with academic institutions and civil society players.
In December 2023, UNESCO included "metal engraving: gold, silver and copper, know-how, arts and practices" on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, on behalf of Algeria and nine other Arab countries.