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Bac 2024 in Algeria: a success rate of 58.28%

Baccalauréat diploma in Algeria
BAC 2024

The success rate for the 2024 Baccalaureate "BAC" in Algeria has been disclosed by Minister of National Education Abdelhakim Belabed on Thursday, July 18.

"Any candidate who achieves an average score of 10/20 or higher will be considered a Baccalaureate winner," stated Mr. Belabed during a press conference announcing the 2024 Baccalaureate results. The national success rate for the 2024 baccalaureate exam stands at 58.28%, as specified by the minister.

In the field of mathematics, which has the highest success rate, the success rate for 2024 is 82.25%, up from 79.22% in 2023. Mr. Belabed highlighted the positive trend, stating, "The 2023 Baccalaureate success rate was 50.61%, showing an almost 8% increase this year. This progress reflects the efforts of the National Education community. In 2023, the Baccalaureate success rate was the lowest since 2016."

Regarding specific streams, the success rates for Literature and Philosophy, foreign languages, management and economics, and experimental sciences have all seen improvements compared to 2023. The Arts stream achieved a success rate of 79.45%, while 85.29% of candidates from the Algerian International School of Paris passed the Baccalaureate this year. Notably, Kouba Mathematics High School saw a 100% success rate.

In terms of distinctions, the minister provided the following data:

  • Exceptional Performance (average above 18/20): 2,778 graduates in 2024 compared to 1,415 in 2023.

  • Very good (16/20-17.99/20): 24,041 high school graduates in 2024 compared to 16,671 in 2023.

  • Good (14/20 – 15.99/20): 45,633 high school graduates compared to 40,391 in 2023.

  • Fairly good (12/20, 13.99/20): 93,378 versus 75,928 in 2023.


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